Asylum apartment


Mission of the service is to provide temporary accommodation and support to women with children and pregnant women, with the aim to integrate them back to future normal life.

Target groups

The service can be provided to adult pregnant women and women with dependent children who found themselves in difficult life situation associated with the loss of housing.


The Asylum apartment service pursues following objectives

  • the service user is able to take care of herself after completing her stay in the apartment:
    • she is able to handle with her money
    • she is able to care for her household (cooking, washing, cleaning, shopping, clothing, knowing and keeping the hygiene principles)
    • she is able to take care of her personal business (independent taking care of normal personal business, dealing with offices and institutions, independent using of services she needs) 
  • the service user is able to take care of her child independently after completing her stay in the apartment; namely in the areas of:
    • supervision /safe environment for the child, independence of the child
    • nutrition
    • clothing and hygiene
    • care for physical health / regular medical check-ups, care for sick child
    • care for psychical health / education, sibling relations, etc.
    • care for development of child´s personality and his/her education; regular school attendance; communication with the child, playing, teaching, choosing a job etc.

Characteristics of the service

The service is intended for pregnant women and women with dependent children who found themselves in difficult life situation associated with the loss of housing. The clients are provided with accommodation in apartment consisting of two separate rooms and communal area (kitchen, living room, facilities). One woman with a maximum of 2 children (younger child sleeps in a baby bed) can be accommodated in one room; one woman with a maximum of 3 children (the youngest child sleeps in a baby bed) can be accommodated in the other room. The maximum capacity of the apartment is 7 beds.

The service also provides help and assistance with dealing with normal life situations, it supports increase of social skills and their exercising; it supports increase of parental competences etc. If necessary the users are accompanied and assisted during the contact with institutions. Apart from individual work there are also group meetings and leisure activities held within the service.