Civic Advisory Centre


Mission of the service is to inform citizens in adverse social situations about their rights and duties based on effective laws and provide them with information, counselling and help suitable for solving of their situation.

Target groups

The service is intended to people who found themselves in difficult social situation or are endangered by such situation and who are not aware of their rights and duties, don´t know about the available services and need support when defending their legitimate interests.


The service´s objective is a client, who:
  • is better oriented in his/her situation and knows the ways how to solve it
  • knows his/her rights and duties and knows how to defend his/her legitimate interests

Characteristics of the service

Consultancy is offered in different areas, such as civil, family and labour law, social system and security, legal, seizure or bankruptcy proceedings; administrative procedure; accommodation; debts issues; consumer protection etc. Advice is given through personal, telephone or e-mail consultations.

The main subject of the consultations is analysis of client´s situation and searching for solution; providing information on legal arrangement of the issue in question; explaining contents of documents; providing templates and assistance with editing documents; providing contacts to institutions, organizations and facilities of further professional help.

Proxima Sociale Civic Advisory Centre is a member of the Association of Civic Advisory Centers and operates in Prague and Dobříš.