Selective prevention


Mission of the program is to reduce or stop the risk behaviour manifestations in classes, in which the relationships are disturbed, and to ensure a safe environment for pupils in the school.

Target groups

The target groups are students of 4th till 9th grades of elementary schools aged 9-12 years, i.e. younger school age, and aged 12-15 years, i.e. older school age.

The Selective prevention program is designed for class groups, who have an increased measure of risk factor for creation and development of manifestations of aggression and initial stages of bullying, incl. cyberbullying.


  • to stop and reduce inappropriate risk behaviour manifestations and to provide a safe environment for each individual in the class group.
  • the programme has clearly formulated objectives that define its contents; to meet any of the objectives it is necessary that the participation in the program is always voluntary.
Program strives for social skills development, namely:
  • communication skills development
  • strengthening of the ability to effectively resolve conflicts
  • strengthening of the ability to face social pressure
The objectives are specific, understandable and verifiable. In terms of time there are two types of objectives:
  • short-term objectives – usually a training of a specific skill
  • long-term objectives – usually a change in behaviour or attitudes of students. It is a joint action of the teaching staff, parents and external environment of the pupils.

Characteristics of the service

The program is based on personal and social education (OSV).

The program is implemented in five lessons. (1 lesson is 45 minutes) To fulfil minimum objectives of the programme leading to change, at least two meetings of five lessons need to be held.

The program requires active involvement of the students and their teachers. Intense consultation and information service (personal consultations, possibility to get necessary information on certain topic, etc.) for pedagogues (mostly class-teachers) is part of the program. Risk behaviour of the group is mapped during the program, and next steps in work with the group are planned.