
Proxima Sociale public benefit company (p.b.c.) is a successor of activities of Proxima Sociale civic association. The civic association was registered by Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic on 27 December 1993, and since the beginning of 2014 it has carried on its activities in the form of public benefit company, registered by Prague Municipal Court, section O, entry 1238.

reg.number (IČ): 49625624


bank: Komerční banka, a.s. Václavské náměstí 42, Praha 1

bank account nr.: 35–5842040247/0100

Seat of the organisation: 

Rakovského 3138/2
143 00 Praha 4 – Modřany

Tel.:        277 007 280 (8:00 – 16:00)





Should you wish to learn more about us in English, please, do not hesitate to contact our assistant.